7 Days of prayer and fasting.
We set aside 7 days to prayer, and fasting as we approach the final stretch of 2024. Of course, we can do these things at any time, but we make a commitment as a body to remain persistent in pursuit of God.
We have 3 ways to participate, along with resources to help you engage with God during this time.
1: Committing to set aside time each day to pray for personal and corporate revival.
2: Fast one meal each day in favor of prayer and personal reflection.
3: Pray for at least one friend or family member each day, asking God to help them to experience salvation in their lives.
Our time of prayer and fasting begins on Sunday Aug.12th and ends on Sunday Aug. 18th.
“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” – Ps 85:6 (ESV)
Pray First Prayer guide
The Pray First booklet/app is your guide to intentionally pray each day. This guide will challenge and inspire you to think of prayer differently than you have before.
We have physical copies of our Pray First Prayer Guide books (COMPLETELY FREE). You can grab one at our Guest Services counter anytime.
If you prefer your phone, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND the ‘Pray First App’ you can download it in the link below.
Fasting Guides
There are a variety of ways you can choose from to participate in fasting, we encourage you to be prayerful and intentional in choosing which fast is right for you. You can customize these examples to fit the 7 Days we are dedicating toprayer and fasting together.
Fast something that is a habitual area for you. For example sweets, TV, secular music, social media, caffeine, etc.
This consist of eating only a very selective diet. You are not limited to a specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. The Daniel Fast is limited to vegetables (includes fruits) and water.
This is a full fast, with no food, only water, for a time ranging from the entire two weeks to a smaller portion of time of your choosing. It is a representation of the 40 day fast Jesus did in the Gospels. This is a very powerful spiritual experience, not one to be taken lightly.
Bible Reading Plans
You can find a physical 30 Day Bible Plan at Guest Services to accompany your time of fasting during this time. Available in the Lobby of the church at any time.
If you prefer utilizing your phone for quick access plans, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND the ‘Sancutary Church App’. We have an every day reading plan within the app as well as resources to other plans we recomend on the ‘Bible App’ you can download both it in the links below.
Office hours
Monday - Thursday
9AM - 1PM
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2719 Conway Gardens Rd., Orlando, FL 32806
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