What is Starting Point?
Starting Point is a casual, no pressure one-week small group for those who are new to Sanctuary Church. It’s the perfect way to check things out, whether you’re a seasoned believer, new to your faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some
time away.
1: Why we have starting point
Why do we do this? Because we know everyone has a perfect place to belong and we believe that Sanctuary Church is a great place to call home and a great family to call your own. Check it out and see if it’s true for you!
2: When do you attend?
We hold Starting Point once a month, so whenever you show up you’re never too far from our next get together.
3: Fasting Guides
There are a variety of ways you can choose from to participate in fasting, we encourage you to be prayerful and intentional in choosing which fast is right for you.
Fast something that is a habitual area for you. For example sweets, TV, secular music, social media, caffeine, etc.
This consist of eating only a very selective diet. You are not limited to a specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. The Daniel Fast is limited to vegetables (includes fruits) and water.
This is a full fast, with no food, only water, for a time ranging from the entire two weeks to a smaller portion of time of your choosing. It is a representation of the 40 day fast Jesus did in the Gospels. This is a very powerful spiritual experience, not one to be taken lightly.
4: Bible Reading Plans
You can find a physical 30 Day Bible Plan at Guest Services to accompany your time of fasting during this time. Available in the Lobby of the church at any time.
If you prefer utilizing your phone for quick access plans, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND the ‘Sancutary Church App’. We have an every day reading plan within the app as well as resources to other plans we recomend on the ‘Bible App’ you can download both it in the links below.

Office hours
Monday - Thursday
9AM - 1PM
Call Us
(407) 896 3535
Email Us
2719 Conway Gardens Rd., Orlando, FL 32806
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